SAP 10.2 & Daxom Electric Combi Boilers Explained

What does SAP mean?

Created in 1995, SAP is the Standard Assessment Procedure that the UK and Scottish government’s recommended process for measuring the energy rating, and providing an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), for residential homes. There has since been updated versions, in 1998, 2001, 2005, 2009 and 2012. A further updated version, SAP10.2, was released in June 2022.

What are the SAP10.2 changes?

There has been significant progress in electricity generation since the last SAP update in 2012, due to using cleaner methods to generate electricity. Wind and solar farms are now much more prominent and do make major contributions to our electricity generation, meaning the average CO2 factor from the UK’s electricity grid has been halved in the last six years.

Lifestyles have changed, we are spending less time at home and therefore using less energy to heat them. App and WiFi controlled systems are common place as people choose to remotely manage their heating and energy usage at their convenience.

The changes that have been made in SAP10.2 relating to the electricity CO2 emissions are significant. The changes will see a reduction from 519g CO2/kWh to 233g CO2/kWh, only slightly higher than mains gas, which is 210g. Under the previous SAP2012 stipulations, it was assumed that any electricity used within our home’s produces 2.4 times as much CO2 emissions as mains gas. The reason, it was measures against an outdated carbon factor which is not a true reflection of the energy mix of the UK grid in recent years.

Throughout the UK, there are over 4million dwellings that have no access to mains gas and only 2 million dwellings of those rely on Electric Combi Boilers. As electric generation becomes cleaner and greener due to increased use of renewable resources, Electric Boilers will see themselves become the cleanest heating source for our homes  and will play a huge role in the drive towards Net-Zero. This, coupled with the fact that gas boilers for new build developments are not any more an option, from 2025, means that Electric Boilers – Electric Combi Boilers have a promising future in the UK and are worth considering across all projects nationwide.

For more information about our Daxom Electric Boilers please call us on 01276 536409 or email

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